Saturday, February 18, 2012

Scarfin' It Up!

Well, I've had a little free time on my hands, waiting on fabric ordered to come in.  I confess I wasn't sure about jumping on the "scarf bandwagon" when they started to become really popular a couple of years ago. Now there are so many styles to choose from that I think scarves are here to stay... at least for a couple of seasons. You know how fickle fashion is! Anyway, the top photo shows off my scarf made from t-shirt scraps and my new glasses. I haven't worn glasses since I had laser surgery 15 odd years ago (but that's another post sometime). 

Back to the scarf. This photo shows my lovely daughter/model with the t-shirt scrap scarf. Some people call it a necklace or t-shirt yarn. I just call it a scarf from leftovers. I have a lot of scraps leftover from the t-shirt quilts that I make and sell. My clients don't want their scraps back most of the time so I've amassed an assortment. I hate throwing away perfectly good fabric so I found a photo of one on Pinterest. A friend at church was making rugs out of strips of t-shirt "yarn" so I cut the strands for this scarf basically the same, 1 inch wide, but leaving them intact (kind of like a headband or ponytail holder, one big circle). When the strands are cut out, I stitch them so they curl, making a tube. I'm thinking of making a bunch in different colors to sell.  

Lovely daughter modeling the ruffle-y scarf. Found this on Pinterest too. I think the instructions came from DIY Dish (so sorry about being vague, I look at so many things I forget to write it down). Anyway, I tweaked the instructions to suit me. It called for 3 strands but I like 4 or 5. What you do is cut out 6 (or 8 or 10 like I did) 9 inch circles. Then cut them in spirals, making the strip about 2 inches wide. Then attach "middle" ends. She uses fabric glue but I sewed mine. Then I sewed the 4 centers together. I should've taken more photos. Anyway, 8 circles cut in spirals then 2 sewn end to end will make 4 long strands. then take the centers and hand sew to keep the strands together. Ok, here's a close-up of the center sewn together. Then you pull on the strands to stretch them out a little and give the ends a pointy shape. And, ta-da! This is what i do on a goof-off day. I'm thinking of maybe using the leftover sleeves for headbands, maybe cutting strips and braiding them. Stay tuned. I'll post my finished product.   

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