What*s Cookin*!

Confessions of a choco-holic: I was a little wary about trying nutella. I love chocolate and I love nuts so this seemed a little dangerous... yep! Shoulda known better! I took crescent roll dough, separated each triangle and put a teaspoon of nutella at the wide end. Roll them up like you usually do to bake them, being careful not to squish the nutella out the sides. Bake at 375 for 11 minutes. Yum! I sprinkled powdered sugar on top. Make sure you eat them warm!

Like making a 36 square quilt wasn't enough for me, I decided to bake today. No, my quilt wasn't done start to finish today but I did finish and deliver it. So, to celebrate, I baked banana bread with peanut butter chips and chocolate chips. Then I got adventurous and looked up a new recipe on Pinterest for blueberry bread. This one has rolled oats in the batter. It called for cinnamon but I love nutmeg with blueberries! Try it next time you make blueberry muffins. I have a habit of tweaking recipes and not measuring some things. I'm not sure where I got the link to the recipe, maybe the Betty Crocker site. Sorry y'all. It smells really good out of the oven. I'll let you know if it tastes was good as it smells. I'll post my revised recipe after I eat breakfast. I had too much Chinese for new year tonight!   
We'll see how these go over tomorrow, made them for the dance team. I mixed (by hand) a box of chocolate cake mix with 2 eggs and 1/3 cup oil, dropped 1 tsp batter in mini muffin cups, 1 rolo candy, then a tsp of the batter on top. Baked at 325 degrees, 10 mins. They look like brownies and taste pretty much like brownies. Hey! You didn't think I WASN'T going to taste test them, did you? 
As I said on my "Why Mind Over Clutter" page, I love to cook...and feed people...and eat. I'm always looking for something yummy to cook.

Friday I made Rice Krispie Treats topped with mini chocolate chips... because my motto is "everything's better with chocolate"! Although I didn't try the chocolate-covered bacon at the Wilson County fair this year.      

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