Friday, October 18, 2013

Ikat Anyone?

The den
Curtain panels closed

3 corner panels

Panels opened

The window on the right (above) is actually 2 windows set close together  so I made 3 panels and we installed an elbow piece to attach the 2 rods.

The colors in the window treatments are coordinating with the artwork.

Clip-on rings on curtain panels
One of the trendiest prints for textiles right now is Ikat. There are so many variations in  pattern & colors that you can stay with the trendiest but still look unique.  I better explain. Ikat is a Far-Eastern (India, Indonesia), as well as South American, technique of dying and weaving threads into patterned fabric. Where tye-die fabric is woven or knit then dyed, Ikat is dyed then woven into a design.
This fabric has a chocolate brown background with gold and ice blue designs on it. I made 7 panels with clip-on rings for this den. I've made other Ikat window treatments and throw pillows.

Ikat pillows in gold, grey, and cream.

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