Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Shocking Confession! My Crush on the Doughboy!

The finished product, my mini apple pies/crescents. 
I Confess! I use those Pillsbury crescent rolls WAY more than I should. I can't help it. I know all of the home-made dough makers/snobs have just clicked to another page. It's just SO easy to use the pre-made crescent dough, it's fast when you don't have a lot of time, and there are so many ways to use it! You can fill the triangles with cinnamon butter, fruit, hot dogs, taco meat, any kind of cheese from brie to cream cheese to American slices. Since I only have photos for fruit-filled crescents, that's the recipe I'm posting. The brie is really yummy for a party (even my kids will eat it!). I'll take photos next time I make it so I can post. The way I arrange the crescent dough makes a really pretty presentation.
Here is my take on mini apple "pies/crescents":
- 1 can of crescent roll dough, separate into triangles
- 1 apple (I like Granny Smith but you can use whatever you like), cut into 8 wedges (I use 1 of those apple slicers that cuts it into 8 wedges and cores it)
- 2T. brown sugar
- 1 tsp cinnamon

Her are the ingredients. I'm not sure why I have the butter in there. You don't really need it for this recipe. I must've been channeling Paula Deen that day! 

Placing apple wedges on crescent triangles. No, my baking sheet isn't dirty. It's Pampered Chef, it's supposed to be brown.
Rolling them up. 

In a shallow bowl, microwave apple wedges for about 30 seconds, not enough to cook wedges entirely but to make them half cooked. Let them cool. If you need to, you can place a layer of ice cubes on the wedges to cool them just enough to be able to handle them. Mix the brown sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle on each crescent dough triangle. Place 1 apple wedge at wide end of crescent dough and roll up. You can sprinkle more brown sugar/cinnamon on top if you like. Bake at 375 degrees about 11 minutes.

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