Monday, June 18, 2012

Up to My Eyeballs in Quilts!

This is a college quilt. The squares on the left edge are 4 smaller squares comprised of the four directly to the right of those. I used the backs for the larger squares and the left square is what was on the front of the shirt. 

So I guess you thought I fell off the face of the earth! I've been up to my eyeballs in quilt orders. Been having neck and back issues so it's slow-going. Would happen during my busy season!Blah, blah. Ok, done whining. Graduation is my "Christmas rush". I still have several ordered for this summer from people who knew they just wouldn't be able to get the quilt in time for the actual graduation day. That's ok! I am DEFINITELY not complaining! I can use the business and I'm flattered that people trust me with their treasures (t-shirts) to make a special keepsake. I love seeing what t-shirts people keep as "special". The variety is endless. So, take a look at some I've done lately.  
Here is a close-up of the left square made of 4 smaller squares from 4 t-shirts on the college quilt

High school quilt with school award shirts, church youth group shirts, club t-shirts

This one has t-shirt fronts on the 4th row and the backs from the Bonneroo concert t-shirts on the 5th row 

Baby girl quilt made from onesies
A care label from one of the shirts on the baby quilt. I thought it was pretty funny!

Another high school quilt

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